Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mommy's Minute: The honesty policy

Tea time: One of my favorite ways to "get away."
I am always amazed when my children know exactly what I need and I am so appreciative for their understanding and patience. And sometimes they need my understanding, and today was one of those days. I woke up feeling awful; I have been fighting sickness for the past couple weeks but, today it got worse. I had to put it all aside because, both babies seemed to require much more attention today. My sun was particularly fussy, I know it is because I've had to breast feed him from one breast while the other one healed from a wound I have (no one tells you how breast feeding changes when your baby gets teeth). And my daughter was just full of energy and wanted me by her side. Needless to say, all I wanted was to curl up in bed and rest.

Now that they are both tucked into bed, the weight of the day has fallen on my shoulders. And while I would've loved to go and rest, I needed to make preparations for tomorrow, while I had some time to myself. I was also reflecting on the day; I kept feeling like I was going to run out of steam but somehow, the energy just kept coming (thankfully). I feel like that many days, which has led me to making more of a commitment for some "me time." Even though I know I am a strong person and that will power is real, I also know that running on empty is not a healthy way to live.

When it comes to being a mom, I can honestly say that I am an "overachiever." I do believe that being ambitious is needed in the times that we live but, I realize that everyone needs time to reengergize and regroup. I can be a bit unrealistic on how much I can handle in a day, even though my intentions are always good. I remember a few weeks back, I left an update on my facebook status saying that while I love to talk about all the great things I experience with my babies, I was really looking forward to a break from them. That was a very hard thing for me to say out loud and I shared that too in my update. A wise woman commented and her words stick with me. She said, "Needing a break doesn't make you a bad mommy, it makes you human."

I thought about that tonight and her words inspired this entry. I wanted to say out loud to other mothers and people who constantly give of themselves, and may be struggling with that same feeling, that it is okay to be honest with where you are. You are only enhancing yourself by turning inward and listening to your feelings and adhering to your own needs. I let so much time go by without ever checking in with myself and setting aside time for me. It is not healthy and in the end, you are doing yourself a disservice.

Taking a week long vacation or even taking an entire weekend is a lofty goal, at least for me. So my little motto is "take advantage of the ordinary." I think its a very healthy idea to try to find a few moments to yourself everyday. The more the merrier of course but, for me I have to start small. So, this is my moment. Writing is very relaxing and carthartic for me. And once I am finished here, I will have a cup of hot green tea, which also calms me. It may seem simple or mundane, but I can put my all into the moment and come out feeling renewed. It is a work in progress to be completely present and to make the time completely about my needs but, it must be considered a priority daily.

The lesson here is to commit to an honesty policy with yourself. I have feelings of guilt and disappointment that may arise when I am honest but, I remind myself of those wise words. And the better I take care of myself the better equipped I am to handle all that life and my babies bring.

This was on my heart to share and I hope that these words bring comfort and reassurance to those who may need to hear it.


  1. I like to live by the motto if mommy aint happy then nobody is happy.

  2. That's so right Ms.Bridgette! A constant reminder for me; thank so much for reading this :)
