Monday, February 7, 2011

Motherhood: Breaking down barriers

I've been working really hard at training myself to braid my daughter's hair. And while it has proven to be quite an enjoyable experience, I look back on when I was younger and I swore that if I ever had a girl, someone else would be in charge of maintaining her hair. I wasn't very good with caring for my own hair growing up and even at present, I find it somewhat difficult to find the time. I admired people who could braid and thought it was intriguing but, I never even considered the possibility that I could ever braid anyone's hair. So yesterday, when my dear friend who happenes to be an awesome hair stylist, complimented me on my daughter's braids, I was beaming with joy. She also recognized how hard I work to prepare myself for when my children get older.

It is easy to think that who you are or what you can do, are very static things but, when a journey like motherhood comes along, it can help break down these types of illusive barriers. I would look at people braiding hair and it always seemed so foreign to me. Now, I feel extremely comfortable with it and I am very happy to share the experience with my daughter. Actually learning how to braid was quite instantaneous, once I actually decided I would try. The work began in actually developing the skills and opening up creatively, in that regard.

Self-imposed limitations are a detriment to attaining personal freedom, in my opinion. I can't believe how many things I wrote off before even giving myself a chance to entertain the idea that I could do them. Since allowing myself the room to explore, I have grown tremendously in so many areas I never imagined before. And while I am very thoughtful in my preparations and work as a mother, I continually inspire myself to try more, especially when I see barriers being torn down in my life. Because of my willingness to learn, I am more fulfilled and I don't feel trapped by percieved limitations. And most importantly, I have more to offer my children.

Something as "simple" as braiding my daughter's hair has truly amounted to an eye-opening experience. My points of reflection are to think about things you've written off as impossible for you to do or experience. What would it take for you to become open to exploring those things? What do you think caused the barrier (s)?

Let's break down those barriers to experience more fulfillment and personal freedom.


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