Thursday, February 3, 2011

Motherhood: Living in gratitude

Gratitude....the word alone invokes this feeling within me; an utter appreciation that lingers in every fiber of my being. Since having my children, I have become deeply aware of just how beautiful and sacred life is. Having been through times where my resources were very limited, "living in gratitude" became one of the greatest lessons for my life. And in confronting feelings of hopelessness when I lost my father, all I had left to cling to, was gratitude. In the midst of sadness, violence, inhumanity, oppression, and my own personal difficulties; I have found that living in gratitude is a shining beacon that connects me back to goodness and peace. And I teach this principle of life to my babies.

( Asase Ye Duru, "the earth has weight"~ symbolizes the divinity of Mother Earth; it  represents the importance of sustaining Mother Earth).

A very significant part of living in gratitude, for me, is to honor the "mother principle" that exists in all aspects of life. When I began to walk my path, as a mother, it was a natural progression for me to become more aware of the Earth and how she continues to sustain (mother) us; despite our wayward disconnection and mass consumption of her resources. Now, I am constantly giving thanks for everything that is from the Earth, I am conscious of how I use resources that I am blessed to have, and I take the time to just enjoy her boundless splendor with my children.

I became much more understanding and grateful for my own mother, on this journey. Sharing the road of motherhood with my mom is such a beautiful and healing experience. I was able to let go of old "stuff" and I am better able to just enjoy my mother as she is. Her support and love is unending and to her, I am forever grateful.

Living in gratitude is also about honoring the mothers who came before me. As I labored with my daughter at home, I felt this intrinsic connection to my foremothers. I called upon the names I knew and honored the ones who remain nameless. I had the strength to carry on because, I knew many of my ancestors gave birth to their children with bravery, in the midst of great suffering. When I find that I feel weakened by a moment of difficulty, I think about those mothers of slavery, the mothers of the civil rights movement, and the mothers of past, whose spirits beamed brightly, despite the intended oppression of their authenticity, as human beings, women, and mothers.

These are just some of the ways I experience and express my gratitude, in regards to honoring the mothers in my life. As I continue to uncover my purpose as a mother, I am learning from all the wisdom and guidance that is all around me. It is a priviledge to be a part of such a sacred and powerful circle.

A point of reflection: How do you experience/express your gratitude for the mothers in your life?

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