When I would think about discipline, I used to associate it with just implementing punishment for bad behavior. With that understanding, I approached the task of disciplining my daughter, which proved to be quite the experience.
My daughter is an old soul and I believe as many others do, she has been here before. In many ways, I feel like I am raising someone who has already been a mother. My daughter is very sure of herself, strong-willed, and exudes such a confidence in the choices she makes, even if they are not to my liking. This has made the act of discipline far more challenging than I expected of a newly two year old.
When she was younger, I found that as she began to explore her environment and nurture her own curiosity, I found myself saying "no" or "don't do/touch/eat that" a tremendous amount of times throughout the day. I was very aware of this and I began to feel uncomfortable as I said it. Although it seemed like the normal thing to do, I didn't like the idea that her first introduction to the world was centered around telling her what she couldn't do all the time.
This sounded good in theory but, was far harder in reality. Being that my daughter liked to test her boundaries anyway and did so with an awareness that I didn't want her doing something, made me very angry. It was one thing to do things with a naivety that babies usually have but, it was quite another to knowingly defy my wishes. And that is exactly what my daughter was good at doing.
So, I abandoned my newfound idea and continued on with telling her "no" and trying to find the best form of discipline. Of course, family and friends weighed in on their punishment of choice and I began to try everything. I tried time-out, scolding, taking toys away, "popping" her hand, using consistent phrases, and on and on. The trick was that whatever I chose, I needed to be consistent. But, I found myself using whichever tactic felt right in the moment.
Now, my daughter is also a very feeling-oriented person (she gets it honestly) and she is very expressive too. She communicates a lot of her needs through expressing her feelings, which usually comes in the form of crying. Now there is something about my daughter's cry that can get my blood boiling so I would usually respond by telling her to "stop," if it there wasn't an obvious reason for her crying. Again, I was trying to resolve an issue just by putting a cap on her experience.
I began to see how my practices of discipline were shaping my daughter by the way she interacted with her baby brother. She would reenact many of the things I would say to her, with him. While it made for great laughs, I also took note that she was doing what she understood as mothering him.
I reached a point where these approaches didn't really work for me and were not aligned with my way of thinking. Approaching discipline by ways of punishment and trying to establish myself as an authority figure, I wasn't dealing with how to actually evolve the behavior into something positive or teaching her how to make better choices. Moreover, I wasn't introducing many valuable life lessons. By always telling her to stop crying, I wasn't hearing what she was trying to express in the moment or teaching her how to balance her emotions.
I thought about the power of words and I thought about how effective it might be to become more affirming with her. I realized that I could transform the entire experience of disciplining her by consistently acknowledging and elevating the positive things that she does and affirming her through the the more undesirable behaviors. Children, especially babies are little sponges, and that expands the possibilites on how they can be taught. Here are some little tactics I am beginning to try:
*Laugh more often: I realized that nothing cures bad behavior more than laughter and good cheer. My daughter has the heartiest laugh that just fills the room with so much joy. Who has time to misbehave or be stressed (mom) when there is a lot of laughter and fun going on?
*The power of options: Instead of only telling her what she can't do, I also give her something she can do. I was always saying "no," taking things out of her hands, etc. I realized that I didn't want to suppress her avid curiosity. That meant that I had to give her something she could exlplore and also make a committment to do more activities with her. A busy child is a well-behaved child.
*Use trigger happy words: When my daughter begins to have an emotional melt down, I assess what she may be trying to communicate, and if it seems as though she is crying just out of frustration, I tell her to say "I am okay" or "I'm in perfect peace." Doing this consistently really helps her to realize on her own that there is really nothing wrong and that she is alright. I love to hear her say it and the calm that it brings to her. Self-soothing is the beginning of self-healing. And I even have her grand-mother saying affirmations with her now!
*Pair words with a small gesture: One of my challenges with my daughter is getting her to stop and listen. She will hear me but, she will often continue to engage in the behavior I told her not to do. Instead of constantly telling her that she
isn't listening, I stop and say "Listen" (firmly) and point to my ears. I calmly explain to her (looking into her eyes) what I asked her to do. If she listens, I immediately tell her that she is being a great listener or how much I love her listening. Babies love to know that they are doing the right thing.
*Stop ranting. It is easy to get on a soapbox, even with a baby. I've learned that babies need precise instructions and they need to be told what to do without distraction. I would talk to my daughter while I was washing dishes, or doing some other activity. Looking them in the eye forces them to face you and what you are telling them.
*Know when to just let it go. Sometimes I would just tell her "no" out of anger or frustration. Know your intentions and know when to say it's okay. As long as they are not in immediate danger or doing something completely out of line, sometimes it is okay to surrender.
*Focus on their strengths. My daughter loves to help and she is an amazing big sister. She likes to help at inappropriate times and I found myself telling her "no" in that arena as well. Instead, I would create opportunites for her to help and let her do things that may undo what I was doing. For example, I had folded some clothes and she came behind me to "fold" them again (which meant throwing them off there respective piles). I let her do it and then I showed her to properly fold something. It didn't cause any harm and she was happy.
This is a definitely a work in progress but, I am already seeing positive changes. These tactics won't always take the place of time-out or whatever punishment but, I feel as though punishment will become less needed if I continue to put more energy into affirming positive behavior. It takes far more awareness, discipline, and work to do this but, I believe that it will warrant even greater results. And it keeps me in check because, if she does something in a moment where I may be frustrated anyway, I can bring myself down so that I won't take it out on her. Stay tuned for my entry entitled, Motherhood: An act of patience. :)